We are very pleased to announce this year's versatile Memphis Editions by Brishty Alam, Claire Fontaine, Herbert De Colle, Michèle Pagel, Christiane Pescheck & Ernst Lima and Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (SKGAL)!
And again, we would like to invite you to support young artists and the activities of the Kunstraum Memphis with the purchase of very special Christmas gifts! The editions can either be purchased immediately via e-mail or soon in our online shop.
The works mostly refer in a playful way to the respective exhibitions of the artists in Memphis and the themes dealt with in this context. Brishty Alam's digital collage Shukti is based on an installation of the same name, and Herbert De Colle's Emotion(edition, blue), a series of flat, disc-shaped papier-mâché objects in a standardized form, quotes an important element of late 20th-century pop culture. Similarly, Claire Fontaine's work Sensitive Content (White sight) reproduces the paternalistic blur filter commonly used on social media platforms. The printed yoga mat by Christiane Pescheck and Ernst Lima evokes concepts such as self-sacralization and fluid identity, while the printed rag by SKGAL as a cleaning cloth refers to reproduction work and focuses on the preservation of our environment and art. And Michèle Pagel's humorous series o.T. (Toast) translates a highly symbolic set piece of personal reality into an art context in a way that is critical of consumerism.
All new and existing editions can be seen and purchased in Memphis on December 10th, 2022 from 3 to 6 p.m. — and afterwards, of course. We look forward to you stopping by!