Kunstraum MEMPHIS is an independent non-profit art platform. Within the framework of its activities, the association offers young and international artists, curators and the public a forum for the mediation and critical examination of questions at the intersection of art, science, politics and activism within various exhibition, event and project formats. Both the programme in its own exhibition spaces and the external cooperation projects are strongly characterised by international networking, a lively concept of contemporary art and a transdisciplinary approach to divergent social, political and economic conditions.
Opening hours (during exhibitions)
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 2–6pm, and by appointment
Closed on holidays.
As non-profit art association, we do not charge an entrance fee, the entry to all our exhibitions and events is free. However - we do appreciate your support!
Kunstraum MEMPHIS is supported by the Arts and Culture Department of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport as well as the Cultural Departments of the Province of Upper Austria and the City of Linz.